Thursday, August 30, 2018

A Great Day in K!

The students had another fun day in kindergarten.  They sorted their shoes during math time and they explored math manipulatives including, polydrons, unifix cubes, and pattern blocks.  The students also practiced the letter "Tt" during Fundations time.

Sorting shoes

Girl putting shoes in pile

students getting shoes back out of circle

girl playing with math manipulatives

girl playing woth unifix cubes

boy playing with pattern blocks

boy playing iwth blocks

boy building a tower with cubes

class practicing letter t

girl showing letter t

girl writing letter t

girl finishing letter t


Wednesday, August 29, 2018

First Day of Kindergarten!

Image result for first day of school

Dear Families, 

A blog is an online journal I use to inform you of all the wonderful things your child is doing in kindergarten.  Here you will find important information, updates, and events.  I hope you visit often to stay informed.

We had a great day in kindergarten today, even though it was a very steamy one!  Tomorrow is supposed to be much cooler.  During the day today, we practiced the routines of morning arrival, morning meeting, snack, lunch, walking in the halls, bathrooms, end of the day pack up and dismissal, and most importantly how to be safe, kind, and responsible.  

The students also visited the library and learned all about how to choose books.  Soon they will be checking them out.  We had recess in the front of the school today.  We played fun games and did many activities.  We are anxiously awaiting the new play structure.  We are watching it being built right before our eyes!

I have a couple of quick reminders.  Please return your bio packet to me as soon as possible if you have not yet done so.  Also, tomorrow we have PE so please remind your child to wear his or her sneakers!  

Thanks again for all of your support and I look forward to another exciting day tomorrow!

Ms. Mahoney