Sunday, December 22, 2019

Winter Break Challenge and December Happenings!

Hello Families,

I hope you found the “Winter Break Challenge” in your child’s home reading folder.  Every student received up to six books in his/her folder for the break. Also included on the challenge sheet, are some math and writing activities.  The students should color each mug as they complete it and return the sheet, along with their home reading books, when we come back.  They will receive something special.    
In addition, please enjoy the pictures below of some of the special events for the month of December.  We learned about predators vs. prey during our Four Winds presentation.  We also did many acts of kindness in this month.  One highlight was visiting the youngest students in our school, our Pre-K friends.  Finally, we shared time with our learning buddies and listened to the stories they created based on “Froggy” books, by the author, Jonathan London.  Thank you and have a great break. I'll see you in 2020!

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Fall Break Challenge

I hope everyone had a great break!  I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!  I wanted to give a reminder to return all home reading books as well as the Fall Break Challenge sheet.  Thank you!