Monday, November 4, 2019


Hi Families,
We have been working on self-awareness as part of our social emotional learning. Being self-aware in kindergarten includes accurately identifying basic emotions like happiness, sadness, and anger. It includes the ability to identify what you like and dislike and what you need and want. Self-aware students begin to understand how their choices have consequences and that their behavior affects other people and the environment around them. These skills continue to grow and develop as students mature, allowing them to positively respond to a variety of experiences and become strong self-advocates.  Please see the chart below. You will find a copy of the same Self-Awareness chart in your child's Friday folder that we use in class as we choose which goal we are working on with each subject area.

I have Self-Awareness

I can tell how I am feeling.
I can recognize my strengths.

I can recognize how I am still learning.

I can persevere and do hard things.

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